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Transactional SMS

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Transactional SMS

With SMS Gateway Provider engage your customers globally with time-sensitive, scalable, and customisable DLT-approved messages. Transactional SMS are sent in response to an event or action carried out by a customer. Examples of transactional SMS include order confirmations, welcome text messages, shipping updates, subscription renewal notification etc.

Transactional SMS is an automatically generated, non-promotional text message that businesses send to their customers to establish a reliable communication channel via 6-character alpha Sender ID approved for your business in DLT platform.

OTP SMS : When security is a priority for businesses, SMS Gateway Provider has you covered with our sophisticated SMS Gateway Platform. SMS is the ideal way to deliver OTPs, as they can be delivered instantly. Enable two-factor authentication, secure logins, and safeguard sensitive information with our lightning-fast OTP delivery.
Booking : Effortlessly manage bookings and appointments with SMS Gateway Provider. Whenever an online booking is done, a confirmation message is sent regarding the status of the booking in order to build trust and ease any anxiety about whether the action was completed. The same goes for when the booking or reservation is canceled. From doctor appointments to restaurant reservations, SMS Gateway Provider streamlines your booking process for ultimate convenience.
Number Verification : Transactional SMS can update users on their account activation or verification option. With SMS Gateway Provider, verify your customers phone number seamlessly by sending a unique code when they sign in or register and validate by clicking on an activation link or entering a verification code on their mobile device. Our real-time phone number verification feature via SMS is a low-cost, high-reliability, guarantees authenticity and convenient option to provide security and peace of mind.
Features SMS Routing Purpose API
  • Personalized Messaging: Customize your messages with recipient names and other dynamic fields for a personalized touch.
  • Delivery Reports: Keep track of every message's status and ensure successful delivery with real-time reports.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you round the clock, ensuring a seamless experience.
  • Multi-Language Support: Reach out to a diverse audience with support for multiple languages in your messages.
  • DND (Do Not Disturb) Compliance: Stay compliant with regulations and avoid sending messages to opted-out numbers.

Intelligent Transactional SMS Routing

SMS Gateway Provider employs intelligent routing algorithms to ensure optimal delivery rates. Our system dynamically selects the most efficient route for your messages, reducing latency and enhancing the user experience.

  1. Instant Delivery: Reach your customers in seconds with swift message delivery, enhancing engagement.

  2. High Open Rates: Transactional SMS has higher open rates compared to promotional messages, ensuring your content is seen.

  3. Critical Alerts: For time-sensitive updates and crucial notifications, Transactional SMS guarantees timely delivery.

  4. Trustworthy Communication: Customers trust transactional messages, making them ideal for vital information sharing.

SMS Gateway Provider takes pride in offering a developer-friendly API that is easy to integrate into your existing systems. With comprehensive documentation and responsive support, developers can seamlessly implement our SMS gateway into their applications.

Welcome to SMS Gateway Provider - Your gateway to seamless and secure transactional SMS solutions in India. Experience the power of instant communication with our user-friendly platform and developer-centric API. Reach out to us today and take your business communication to the next level!


  • SMS Gateway Providers, AvanceZone Building #4, Kalangal Road, Sulur. Coimbatore. 641402 INDIA
  • +91-95851-60363


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